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Employee Training Tracking Software: Trainual Review 2024

Finally! A painless, uncomplicated software platform that helps small business owners train and track employees in the simplest way possible.

As a long-time and successful small business advisor who has coached over one thousand small business owners in my career, I can honestly say that the employee training tracking software from Trainual is something that I wish my clients had been able to utilize over the years. It could have helped solve many more business problems a lot quicker!

What is Trainual employee training tracking software?

An easy-to-manage, all-in-one-place, employee training tracking platform that’s designed to make the sometimes overwhelming task of training your employees as painless as humanly possible.

Finally! Someone has delivered the power of simplicity to the small business owner when it comes to a Learning Management System (LMS).

Trainual’s founder, Chris Ronzio, and his team of caring, you-can-do-this, professionals dared to answer the age-old lament, “But, my employees don’t do it right!”

And they answered with a resounding, “We can help you solve that!”

It’s a horrible fact that most small businesses fail to scale because there's a jam at the top of the company and the owner won’t (actually can’t) pass the baton.

Enter Trainual!

It won’t fix everything, but it will help you get major roadblocks out of the way so you can transition from a stunted, overwhelmed and chaotic operation, to one that’s greased and speeding down the tracks.

How much does it cost?

Pricing is as follows:

$249/mo. for 1-25 employees

$279/mo. for 26-50 employees

$419/mo. for 51-100 employees

Companies with 101-10,000+ employees will get a custom quote on price

Where can I sign up for Trainual?

You can get a 7-Day free trial here. Test it out, look it over, see how simple it is. If you decide you want to run with it, you can provide your credit card and sign up with an account from there.

When should I begin using it?

The folks at Trainual say you should be at a point where you need to start handing over some of the workload to someone. That makes total sense.

However, many times an owner will not get to that point because they themselves are too disorganized and overloaded to see the signs that it's time!

Some also think they need to be fully organized, or fully profitable, or at a certain level of revenue before procuring help.

What they sometimes don't recognize is they may not become fully organized or profitable without hiring and training first.

I say you should start with Trainual as soon as you prove your product or service is a profitable model. That way, as you develop the processes that will become best practices, you can document them as you go.

Who is Trainual employee training tracking software for?

Trainual’s website states their typical customer is a small to medium-sized business with 5 to 500 employees.

For the business owners who are still doing it all, (despite the fact that you have employees) you may find it hard to utilize a software like Trainual. I hear you. Who can do it all, plus write up all the policies and procedures and organize them nice and neatly on a software platform?

But by enlisting the help of your employees and managers, it's not impossible to play catch-up—and Trainual will make the job much easier!

What are the benefits of using this popular employee training tracking software?

The full benefits of implementing Trainual's employee training tracking software are too numerous to list in one blog post.

But by implementing Trainual in their business, an owner can experience:

  • More certainty in their own ability to lead their team.

  • Increased employee stability and less turnover.

  • A reduction of employee grievances.

  • A decline in business emergencies to deal with.

  • Less despair and burnout.

  • An unburdening of their own workload.

  • A confident and well-trained team.

  • A more peaceful and rewarding professional life.

Heck, if owners experienced all of the above, they might just add 10 to 15 years to their life.

Seems like it'd be worth it!

What are its standout features?

What makes this software training platform really stand apart from the competition are its wonderfully simplified features that literally make it the easiest software out there to manage.

Additionally, you have an added bonus in the fact that the founder of Trainual, Chris Ronzio, wrote a book about getting the business out of your head and into the hands of your employees. You can read all about his simple and empowering philosophy.

More standout features:

A simple and ultra user-friendly design.

Here’s what an employee user dashboard looks like, which Trainual calls “My Desk.” As you can see, it’s pretty clean and uncluttered for easy navigation.

Picture of Trainual's simple user interface
Trainual's user interface

A smartly organized structure to hold your content.

As you build your training content, Trainual allows you to organize it into 4 main categories—Company, People, Policies or Process.

A graphic display of Trainual's content organizational categories
Trainual's content categories

Within each of those 4 main categories you can label and break your content down into the Subject, Topic and Steps.

For example, the general Subject could be “Sales.”

A Topic that could go under the Subject of “Sales” might be, for instance, “Inbound Leads Handling.”

And lastly, you would create the Steps for that Topic, as in the exact 1, 2, 3 of how “Inbound Leads Handling” should be done.

A graphic of Trainual's 3-step process to building great training contentes
Trainual's 3-step process

Any content written in the Processes Section can also be organized even further into individual Collections (like folders) to make it easier for your team to access content they’re looking for.

Graphic of Trainual's Collections (Folders) organization
Trainual's Collections

Multimedia capabilities to help bring your content alive.

You can embed PDFs, GIFs, videos and more into your content. You can even record instructional videos within Trainual’s content platform so no need to use a separate service to visually record your processes.

Graphic of Trainual's multimedia capabilities
Trainual's multimedia capabilities

Seamless and easy integration with other apps.

You can smoothly integrate your Trainual platform with dozens of the most popular and useful business apps.

With currently almost three dozen apps to connect to inside this training platform, Trainual is adding more all the time. Check out just some of them below.

Graphic of Trainual compatibility with loom; quickbooks and Slack
Graphic of Trainual compatibility with zenefits, BambooHR and Simpletexting
Graphic of Trainual compatibility with Google Drive, Forms and Sheets
Graphic of Trainual compatibility with Dropbox, Gmail and Google Calendar
Graphic of Trainual compatibility with Asana, Basecamp and Dotloop
Compatible apps with Trainual's platform make it a seamless and easy experience.

Hundreds of training templates to choose from.

Because not every business owner or manager is a proficient writer, Trainual provides you with hundreds of general and industry-specific training templates to get you started.

They’re adding more to their library of templates all the time. And although they’re not there yet, Trainual’s stated goal is to create training modules for every role in every industry of small business. If anyone can do it, my bet would be on the Trainual team.

Trainual's library of training templates
Ready-made training templates waiting for your customization

Tracking and testing capabilities.

You can track employees’ training progress and easily test them on their knowledge of a position before they start doing the job in real time.

Graphic of Trainual's testing feature
Trainual's testing feature adds another layer of control and manageability

Excellent technical support and training resources.

For fast and immediate progress once you log in to your dashboard, Trainual shows you exactly where to start with their “Quick Wins” step-by-step guide.

Graphic of Trainual's Quick Wins guide
Trainual's Quick Wins makes the platform so easy to use

They also have training center videos and live webinars that go in-depth on everything you need to know when using the Trainual platform to create great content.

Graphic of Trainual's video training library
A full library of training videos help you become an expert

Along with the above resources, Trainual has an accessible “Help” icon that you can click on anytime to access strategic how-to's, pro tips, and on-demand training from the Trainual team. There is also a technical support email service, a Trainual Community, access to accredited Trainual experts, as well as newsletters and podcasts to listen to.

You can’t help but succeed with all of the assistance available!

The wildly popular Trainual Tags!

These innovative tags can be affixed to any area of the office or its equipment to give employees quick access to a "how-to" checklist.

For instance, place a tag on the office printer.

Picture of Trainual Tags being used in the office
Example of how to use Tags

Pros of Trainual:

Trainual has too many pros to mention all of them in this review, but including all of the benefits I listed above, here are some additional pros to note:

  • Voted “#1 easiest to use” by G2 in 2020 and 2021. (G2 is a large and trusted software review marketplace that 60 million people use annually to make smart software buying decisions.)

  • The hallmark of this training platform is its powerfully simple design.

  • Trainual offers a 7-day free trial, no credit card required. After 7 days if you still haven't figured out whether you want to become a client, Trainual seems to be pretty generous and may extend the time that you have to test it out.

  • It's a perfect training platform for the in-office/WFH hybrid model of company.

  • You can export all of your training content in PDF form, as well as having it available on the platform electronically.

Cons of Trainual:

  • Trainual won’t help you figure out what to document or how to structure your business processes. In other words, it won't strategize for you. Neither will any other platform.

  • You can assign Roles (positions that should train on any particular content, such as “Salesperson”) to any given Subject, but you cannot assign Roles to a Topic. This makes it difficult to assign the training content with precision. It means you may be assigning unnecessary training to some team members. This aspect needs to be dialed in a bit more by Trainual.

  • It would be great if the structuring of the content could be customized a bit more for the unique needs of any one company.

  • There is no voice typing within the Trainual platform.

  • The Organization Chart is clunky and hard to view.


No software will do it all for you, but Trainual gets closer than any other LMS I've seen. And they're working right now on doing even more in terms of writing the policy for you. I will keep you updated on that.

Sign up for Trainual’s 7-Day free trial (no credit card necessary) and test out its uncomplicated user experience for yourself.

If you'd like to have a quick, 10-minute conversation about the next best step for your business when it comes to your employee training, don't hesitate to reach out to Mainstreet Mastery for help!


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